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Carolyn Nelson, EdD Faculty Profile

Carolyn Nelson, EdD
Dean, College of Education and Allied Studies
Department of Teacher Education
- E-mail: carolyn.nelson@csueastbay.edu
- Phone: (510) 885-3942
- Office: Deans Suite AE 111
- BS 1975 University of Nebraska
- MA 1984 University of San Francisco
- EdD 1992 University of San Francisco
Not teaching this quarter.
Strage, A., Nelson, C., & Meyers, S. (2008). Stayin Alive: Meeting faculty mid-career professional renewal needs:.Metropolitan Universities. (19(1), 71-83).
Meyers, S., Nelson, C., & Strage, A. (2007). Linking academic research and social policy: Rethinking the roles and responsibilites of the urban and metropolitan university.Metropolitan Universities. (18(1), 5-15).
Nelson, C., Harper, V. (2006). A pedagogy of difficulty: preparing teachers to understand and integrate complexity in teaching and learning. Teacher Education Quarterly. (33(2), 1-15).
Nelson, C (2006). Reclaiming teacher preparation for success in high-needs schools. Education. (124(3), 475-480).
Nelson, C. & Harper, V. (2000). Transformational learning as praxis: A pedagogy of critical conversation. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching. (11(1), 3-17).
Nelson, C. (1999). Participant selection, question formation, and research conversations. Research, conversations, and narrative: A critical hermeneutic orientation in participatory inquiry. (110-114). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Harper, V., Nelson, C., & Mayfield, M (1997). Learning conversations: A critical perspective on transforming parent teacher conferences. Kappa Delta Pi Record. (34(1), 28-33).
Harper, V., Nelson, C., & Mayfield, M. (1997). Transforming parent-teacher conferences. The Educational Forum. (62(1)).
Nelson, C (1988). Harvesting a curriculum. Science and Children. (25(7), 22-24).
Member of the San Jose State University/Santa Clara County Office of Education Planning Committee for Conference on Differentiation.
Advisory Board Member for Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program
Member of the Latino Education Action League
Member of the Advisory Board for Newton's Apple
Member of the Franklin-McKinley Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Planning Committee
Member (Elected), Executive Board of Directors, California State Science Teachers Association
Member, Program Planning Committee, California Council on the Education of Teachers Spring Conference
Member, San Jose Unified School District Science Leadership Team
Board Member, University Representative for the California League of Middle Schools, Region #6
Member, Writing Team for the California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Proposal
2008 Participant in the TECSCU Conference. This two-day conference addressed "Working Effectively with Legislators: Getting the Word Out about High Quality Teacher Education." Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU), San Antonio, TX.
2008 Presentation to California State Legislators. Invited to give a presentation to 15 state legislators and legislative analysts to advocate for funding of the teacher performance assessment mandate for all credential candidates in California. This meeting was arranged by State Senator Jack Scott, Sacramento, CA.
2008 Participant/presenter at the AACTE Day on the Hill (2008, June 18-19). Met with U.S. congressional members to advocate for "intelligent accountability systems" and to update them on current initiatives in the College of Education at San Jose State University. I co-authored a partnerships profile piece for our College that was featured in the 2008 AACTE Day-on-the-Hillpublication entitled "Partnerships that Work: Turning Around Low-Performing Schools." This book was distributed to legislators as part of the materials packet we prepare for our congressional visits.
2007 Participant/presenter at the AACTE Day on the Hill (2007, June 20-22). Met with U.S. congressional members to advocate for continued funding for Teacher Quality Enhancement (TQE)Grants and to share data from the SJSU College of Education TQE grant. I co-authored a partnerships profile piece for our College that was featured in the 2007 AACTE Day on the Hillpublication entitled "Preparing STEM Teachers: The Key to Global Competitiveness." This book was distributed to legislators as part of the materials packet we prepare for our congressional visits.
2007 Participant in the TECSCU Conference.Participated in a two-day conference entitled "Creatingeducational policies and partnerships: How to write legislative agendas and develop partnerships with foundations." Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU),Seattle, WA.
2006 Participant/presenter at the AACTE Day on the Hill (2006, June 14-16). Met with U.S. congressional members to advocate for changes in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation and to share the results of a research study that two colleagues and I conducted with schools in Santa Clara County. This study clearly showed the lack of access students in low socio-economic districts have to a comprehensive curriculum, largely due to a disproportionate amount of time spent on test preparation to satisfy NCLB requirements.
2005 Invited speaker at the San Jose State University College of Education Legislative Breakfast. Presentation was entitled "Unfolding the teacher credentialing process in California." This event was sponsored by the Equity, Advocacy, and Policy Committee of the College of Education, SJSU, San Jose, CA.
2001 Invited panelist at a forum presented at Stanford University entitled "Systemic educational reform policy in the Bay Area." Other panel members included Michael Kirst, Herbert Kohl, Dennis Chaconas, and Donald Shalvey. Sponsored by Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU)
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
California Council on the Education of Teachers (CCET)
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Santa Clara County Science Teachers Association (SCCSTA), Past President
2006 SJSU College of Education Dean's Award for Excellence
1997 College of Education Golden Key Award for Outstanding Service
1996 SJSU College of Education Dean's Award for Distinguished Achievement 10
1989 Received a $1000 Scholarship to attend the Institute for Teachers of Secondary Physics and Math. Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
1986 Semi-finalist, Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching for California
1985 Nominee, Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching for California
1984-1985 Science Mentor Teacher, Franklin-McKinley School District, San Jose, CA